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Every Alaskan Has Access to Digital Participation, Whoever and Wherever They  Are.  



To Advance Digital Inclusion through Collaborative Action.

Making Impact

Highlighting the Issue: The Pandemic's Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and exacerbated the digital divide across the United States, and Alaska was no exception. As schools, workplaces, and healthcare services moved online, many Alaskans found themselves at a disadvantage due to inadequate internet access, limited digital literacy, and the high cost of digital services and devices.

Legislative Response: The Digital Equity Act

Recognizing these challenges, the federal government passed the Digital Equity Act. This crucial legislation not only aimed to fund the expansion of broadband infrastructure to underserved areas but also required each state to develop a comprehensive digital equity plan. The plan was to address key issues: enhancing digital literacy, ensuring access to affordable broadband and devices, and educating the public on online safety.

Alaska's Approach: Community Engagement and Planning

Alaska’s Broadband Office took a proactive approach by collaborating with a diverse group of local organizations. These groups, which included nonprofits, educational institutions, and community organizations, played a vital role. They traveled across the state, engaging with communities to understand the unique barriers they faced regarding broadband affordability, digital literacy, and device access.

The Creation of Alaska's Digital EquityPlan

The insights gained from these community conversations were invaluable. They informed the development of Alaska's Digital Equity Plan, which was tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of different Alaskan communities. This plan laid out strategic actions to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all Alaskans could benefit from digital advancements.

Forming the Coalition: A Continuing Commitment

The successful collaboration during the plan’s development inspired the participating organizations to maintain their momentum. Motivated by their achievements and the ongoing need, they formed the Digital Equity Coalition of Alaska. Their mission: to convene a diverse group of organizations to advance digital inclusion.


This narrative not only explains the origins and purposes of the Digital Equity Coalition of Alaska but also connects the dots between a global crisis, legislative action, community engagement, and ongoing advocacy.

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